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We’re at the start of a new year and this is obviously the time to get organized and plan out our objectives! In this post, I’ll be discussing my methods and objectives for the year to come!

If you’ve seen my social media at all, you might have already guessed that my absolute favorite activity at the beginning of the year is to FINALLY be able to start a new planner!

For the past 2-3 years I’ve been using a bullet journal as my main planner, but before that I use to print my own so I could doodle to my heart’s content without the ink showing through the pages.

When the bullet journal trend started, I decided to hop on that train…

And promptly broke my motivation on the insane pressure to make amazing spreads like the ones we see all over social media. Because while I do want a particular planner style and I do like doodling… I also don’t think I’m really any good at it and I find it exhausting to put together amazing setups…

I also find it a bit disheartening to realize that all those amazing setup would take me hours on end to put together, taking away precious time to get my actual tasks done.

Still, after a bit of trial and error, I found a setup that works for me AND leaves me with a little freedom to doodle around my planning!

I already had my 2024 bullet journal in hand when I received the prettiest faux leather 6 ring binder for my birthday… it was just too pretty to be put away in wait for a project and I decided it was going to be my new planner.

The pages that came with were actually lined planner pages, but since I’ve been using the same system for years, I really wanted to stick to what works for me. I debated using this paper with my system, but I’ve grown used to the little dots to help making everything just right…

Thus began the deconstruction of two dollar store bullet journals!

Armed with my trusty craft knife and 6 holes punch, I filled my new planner with twice many pages as my habitual planner.

Why so many pages? Because in 2024 I would like to be better at planning my projects, patterns and blog posts instead of scrambling around loosing track of what I want to do. It’s not a secret; good planning is great to reduce stress and it is also very true when you run a small business!

I hope that having all of my planning in the same planner will help me stay on track. Let’s just hope that this aim to be a better planner will not lead to crushing guilt of not already have everything mapped out until December…

I want to give myself attainable goals with the freedom to do a little more or a little less depending on how the year goes.

So far I know that I want to focus on three things; my fantasy cosplay crochet collection, more fan art projects and writting various articles for larosedurang.com. I might write a follow up post to talk a bit more about these plans, but I would also like to get any suggestions about what you would like to see in 2024!

Leave your suggestions in the comments!

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