Le D6 du destin… et de soutien émotionnel! – Patron gratuit!

Emotional Support D6 of Destiny!

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*** This pattern is available here for free or as a paid PDF via Ravelry ***

Stitch guide

st(sts) – stitch(stitches)
ch – chain
sc – single crochet
sl – slip stitch
CC – color of choice


2.5 mm hook
* See note.

Safety eyes (shown in 6 mm)
Polyester filling
Yarn needle

Yarn fingering weight cotton

Dice – CC, less than 10 g.
Numbers – CC1, less than 5 g.
Black – To embroider mouth/eyebrows, less than 2 g.
White – To embroider eyes, less than 1 g.
Pink – To embroider cheeks, less than 1 g.

Gauge and instructions
Gauge 8 sts x 8 row – 2,5 cm x 2,5 cm (about 1 inch square). Make sure your stitches tight enough so the stuffing doesn’t fall through. You can easily adjust the number of stitches and rows for a bigger dice.


First side

Row 1) With CC, ch 9, turn, sc to end (8)
Rows 2-9) ch 1, turn, sc to end (8 sts – 8 rows)
Row 10 – Seam) ch 1, turn, in the front loop only, sc to end (8) Do not finish off, move on to the next side.

Second and third sides
Rows 1-7) ch 1, turn, sc to end (8 sts – 7 rows)
Row 8 – Seam) ch 1, turn, in the front loop only, sc to end (8) Do not finish off, move on to the next side.

Repeat rows 1-8 for the third side.

Fourth side
Rows 1-7) ch 1, turn, sc to end (8 sts – 7 rows) Finish off, weave in ends.

Fifth side
Row 1) Join CC to the bottom side stitch of the second side, ch 1, work 8 sc along the side (8)
Row 2) In the front loop, ch 1, turn, sc to end (8)

Rows 3-7) ch 1, turn, sc to end (8 sts – 5 rows) Finish off, weave in ends.

Sixth side – Repeat the instructions for fifth side on the other side of the second side. Do not finish off at the end, work the border.

Border) ch 1, turn work to the side, work 8 sc up the side. Repeat around the work and make sure you work 2 sc in each corners. Finish off, weave in ends.

Numbers and face

There are several ways to add the numbers and add a face (I replace the « 2 » with a face so the eyes represent the number) with safety eyes. Keep in mind that this is a plushie and it will not be a balanced dice, especially if you use safety eyes on one of the faces.

Felt (sown or glued, currently not illustrated in this pattern)
The easiest way to add numbers and/or a cute little face to your dice is to use felt, either sown or glued.

Slip stitch/ surface crochet or embroidery (orange, yellow and pink dice below)
A more durable way to add numbers is to use slip stitch (surface crochet) and embroider them to each face using a contrasting color, this will also give you numbers that lay flat.

Using contrasting chains
If you are uncomfortable with surface crochet, make simple chains in a contrasting color and shape them into numbers while sewing them on the dice.

After adding the numbers to each side and the face, sew the dice closed, make sure to stuff lightly before you sew the last side closed. Sides number 1, 3, 4 and 6 will be folded up and side number 5 will close the cube.

Tips – There are several ways to sew the dice together!

1. The easiest is to simply use a length of CC yarn and stitch the sides closed.

This should give you a more rounded look.

2. For sharper edges, sew the sides together by sl-stitching the back loops of the border together.

3. For a more polished look, sl-st around the 4 edges of the face and along any of the edges of the dice that did not have to be sewn.

Patron de crochet amigurumi Le d6 du destin! Par La rose du rang

4. For a deep edge, sc the sides together instead of sl.

Add a cord and use you dice as a bag charm!

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